

FIFA Ethics Committee challenge the confidentiality provisions

US media said the FIFA Ethics Committee wants to cancel the indicted officials not to disclose the identity and details of the case confidential safety regulations. FIFA 16 coins According to reports, Neil Cole moral prosecutors and judges Bey Bor Joachim Eckert 16 FIFA executive committee scandal of 2012 to implement the provisions raised the question that will help strengthen openness to curb crime.

They issued a joint statement, said: "Increasing the transparency of the investigation will help to identify and purge of fraud, but also to encourage potential informants to provide support during the investigation." They promised to ask the leadership of the Board Blatter relax these provisions? The statement said that increased transparency "will have a preventive effect, as pirates counterfeiters must also be the same exposure."

Reported that due to a strict confidentiality provisions, FIFA announced last week, is responsible for the 2018 and 2022 World Cup FIFA 16 Münzen bid inspection tour Harold Mayne - Nicholls been prohibited from participating in all football activities in the next seven years, but he did not disclose details about the name of Chilean official wrongdoing. This is the first official FIFA announcement does have a case exists.