




Chlamydia Can Cause Severe Pregnant Complications

Chlamydia Can Cause Severe Pregnant Complications

Chlamydia Treatment is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It's known to us all that untreated Chlamydia can cause infertility but little of us know that becoming infected with chlamydia before or during pregnancy increases the risk of complications, such as stillbirth or unplanned premature birth, which has been proved by a research conducted in Australia.

The research involved in the analysis on the records of birth of more than 350,000 women who had had their first baby between 2003 and 2013 in New South Wales, aiming at finding out if infection with either Chlamydia Cure before or during pregnancy had any impact on the baby or the birth itself, as there is continuing debate about whether these infections can increase the risk of complications. Among the 354,217 women, only 1% of them had had at least one notifiable Chlamydia infection before the birth. And almost 81% of these had been diagnosed before the estimated date of pregnancy. In all, 4% of the women had an unplanned premature birth and 12% had babies who were small for dates; and 0.6% of the babies were already dead before born.

Even though factors such as age, social disadvantage, smoking, and underlying conditions, diabetes and high blood pressure also increase the risk of birth complications, women who had had a prior infection with either Chlamydia were still at higher risk. Women who had had Chlamydia were not at increased risk of giving birth to a small for date baby. But they were 17% more likely to have an unplanned premature birth and 40% more likely to have a stillborn baby. But the risk of an unplanned premature birth did not differ between those diagnosed more than a year before conception, within a year of conception, or during the pregnancy.

We can make a conclusion that Chlamydia jeopardizes the life and health of the fetus, so it should be treated completely before the gestation. Since the antibiotics have been a concerned issue because of its resistance, a great amount of doctors now are trying to control the dose of them for the good of the patients. Besides, there are other medicines that can work on the disease effectively, such as the Fuyan pill. If men have this disease, herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill will be better.

As Chlamydia can cause very serious problems to the pregnancy, early prevention is of great necessity. We, especially female, should pay special attention to it.
Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic provides the highest quality medication of multiple gynecological/genital/urinary conditions by a highly professional and experienced TCM team. Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic was set up by Dr. Xiaoping Li over 20 years ago and is based at Wuhan, China. Dr. Xiaoping Li has got two herbal medicines Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill patented and now they can only be ordered from our websites or purchased from our clinic.


Women's Health Care - Chlamydia can be Passed on From The Mother to Her Child During Childbirth

Women's Health Care - Chlamydia can be Passed on From The Mother to Her Child During Childbirth

Chlamydia Treatment, as a sexually transmitted disease (STD), is caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. For women, if left untreated, this infection can cause serious health danger, like PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), or even infertility. According to some researches, chlamydia infection can be even passed on from the mother to her child during childbirth. Thus, it's suggested to accept treatments as soon as possible for Chlamydia carriers.

Chlamydia Cure affects both men and women and occurs in all age groups, though it's most prevalent among young women. Chlamydia isn't difficult to treat once you know you have it. In many cases, Early-stage chlamydia infections often cause few or no signs and symptoms. So an infection can last for weeks or months before it is discovered. This decides the fact that it can be easily passed on during sexual intercourse. In females, chlamydia symptoms generally include vaginal irritation, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain and burning feeling with urination.

Chlamydia carriers should go to see a doctor one you find abnormal discharge from your vagina or penis or if you have pain during urination. Besides, if your sexual partner reveals that he has this infection, you should also go to hospital for some test. Once confirming the disease, one should accept treatments as soon as possible or it may cause more serious diseases, such as PID and infertility. Especially for pregnant women, the disease is also possible to spread to her child during delivery, which may cause pneumonia or a serious eye infection in her newborn. If such a thing happens, it's undoubtedly a disaster for the whole family who should indulge in the happiness of the new life. According to some statistics, about 50 percent to 70 percent of the new born baby can be infected if the mother gets Chlamydia infection. For more serious cases, it may lead to death of the new born baby.

Because of the tremendous damage Chlamydia can cause, the treatments on it become more and more important for both patients and clinicians. If detected early on, chlamydia can easily be treated with antibiotics or herbal medicine, and the symptoms can be alleviated within 7 to 10 days. The common antibiotic drugs prescribed by doctors may include Tetracycline, Erythromycin, and sulfonamides. However, based on lots of clinical cases, Chlamydia can't be easily cured completely by antibiotics because all antibiotics will cause drug resistance in patients. Thus, herbal medicine maybe a better option like Fuyan Pill which is totally made from Chinese herbs without any side effects and drug resistance. The efficacy of this pill has been confirmed by lots of cases.

Chlamydia Treatment With Herbal Therapy in Men

Chlamydia Treatment, a sexually transmitted infection, is easy to spread by having unprotected sex with someone infected with bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. And it can affect several areas of the reproductive system, causing urethritis, vaginitis, cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). According to a report, about 75% of women and 50% of men with chlamydia have no symptoms. This is why many infected people remain untreated and can continue to spread the infection to others.

When men suffer from chlamydia, some patients also experience an abnormal release of fluid that is not urine or semen or a burning sensation when urinating. During this period, they need to seek timely medical help because untreated Chlamydia Cure can cause many complications like prostatitis, male infertility and so on. Then, how to treat this infection?

In clinic, doctors treat chlamydia with oral such as doxycycline (Vibramycin), azithromycin (Zithromax) and ofloxacin (Floxin). Everyone being treated for chlamydia should have all of his or her sex partners treated as well as intercourse are easy to make them cross-infection.

However, as you know, antibiotics have the feature of drug resistance and side effects, so the long-time use of antibiotics will bring some damages to the kidney and liver. Besides, antibiotics will develop drug resistance, so patients will feel no improvements with the long-time use of antibiotics.

Herbal therapy like Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill gives a new choice to the chlamydia men. This herbal medicine for chlamydia infection can avoid these shortages. It is a natural treatment because its materials are from plants, insects and animals. This pill won't bring damages to liver and kidney. It also has no drug resistance and there is no need to change its dosage frequently.

It also has the function of clearing away heat and toxic materials, thus, chlamydia infection also can be cleared by this natural treatment. This herbal pill also has those functions such as dissipating hard lumps, dissolving stasis and releasing pain, thus, its complications like prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis and infertility also can be cured.

Which treatment is most appropriate for you will depend on several factors. However, if your chlamydia is in the acute type, you can take antibiotics for the treatment; and if your antibiotic don't work or your chlamydia has been in chronic type, herbal cure like Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is much suitable for you.

Stay Away From Male Infertility Caused by Chlamydia by Taking the Herbal Medicine

"Why? She loves her husband so much... "I was so shocked when my friend told me that her roommate got divorced. "Yes, it is true that they love each other so deep, but she can not bear that her husband has Male infertility caused by Chlamydia Treatment." Still shocked though I was, I understood the decision she made.

Some people may get confused and ask what it is and what the consequences of it. Well, Chlamydia is a kind of Gram-negative pathogens and it will have some bad effects on both men and women. Here we are going to introduce some effects on men only.

Firstly, there will be some unusual discharge if a man suffers Chlamydia Cure. What's worse, the discharge will result in many symptoms. And when last for a long time without any opportune treatment, they will leave men in a situation where they may experience ejaculation with less semen or no semen at all. Secondly, those men who are with the chlamydia infection will feel uncomfortable when having sex life because they will often experience tenderness in the testicles and even feel sore when touched. Thirdly, the chlamydia infection may develop into a urinary tract infection. Lastly, as is known to us from above paragraph, chlamydia is a pathogen and it can infect reproductive systems of men. If chlamydia infection is still ignored and can not be paid attention to or even left untreated or has been maltreated, it may result in male infertility.

So many negative effects chlamydia infection have on men that many methods of curing it have been put forward. Among those methods, using antibiotics is the most common one. However, the most common treatment does not mean the best treatment. Like other medicines, antibiotics always have side-effects as well. For example, it will be harmful to liver and kidney. Apart from that, many experiments show the drug resistance of antibiotics. Therefore, People can not rely on it and need to change their medicine after a period of time. Taking those two side-effects into consideration, people can only use antibiotic once in a while but not for a long time.

Different from antibiotics, herbal medicine, a traditional Chinese medicine, which can avoid those problems, is a better choice for those who are suffering chlamydia infection. A natural and also welcomed herbal medicine treatment is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill treatment. Not only will not it do harm to liver and kidney like antibiotics but it also can cure chlamydia infection in men gradually in a short time. What accounts for our believing that Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a natural treatment is that its materials are from plants, insects and animals. Besides, it is free from drug resistance, so there is no need to change other medicine or even its dosage frequently because.

In a word, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is now a better way to treat chlamydia infection. Hope all men who are under much pressure of curing it can recover as soon as possible with this new method.

Antibiotics, Herbal Medicine and Other Back-ups For Chlamydia Prostatitis

Recently, a study result has shown that the symptoms of Chlamydia Treatment can't be eliminated by antibiotic remedy and this condition can only be it dulled by it. On the contrary, herbs work on chlamydia prostatitis very well.

According to the health experts, the reasons why herb remedy is better than antibiotics are as follows,

Antibiotics can hardly pass through prostate sebum membrane which is used to protect the prostate gland. However, when the prostate gland is infected, this sebum membrane can also block the antibiotics, so the effect of antibiotics isn't very good for prostatitis due to this reason. On the contrary, herbal medicine that consists channel using can bring more effective materials in the prostate gland killing kill pathogens.
Prostate fibrosis and calcification affect the absorption of antimicrobial agents. Herbs can promote blood circulation, soften stasis and promote the absorption of medicaments.
Antibiotics have no effective drugs for Chlamydia Cure and mycoplasma infections. What they can do is to control the disease. On the contrary, herbs are more effective in killing stubborn pathogens including chlamydia, mycoplasma hominis, ureaplasma urealyticum and so on.

What's more, herb remedy hasn't any side effects. A Chinese herbal medication called diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill which barely has any drug effects is strongly recommended by the Doctor Lee. What's more, it has been proven to be a very effective medicine according to the feedback from lots of patients.

Except the two that mentioned above, there are lots of back-up remedies for chlamydia prostatitis.

Get a proper diagnosis from a doctor to make sure you have chlamydia. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other STDs.
Drink echinacea tea regularly. It is easy to find, and will give your immune system a healthy boost, in the form of an increased white blood-cell count. This will help fight chlamydia outbreaks in the future.
Take supplements of lactobacillus acidophilus. This is a beneficial bacterium that will inhibit the growth of the bacteria that causes chlamydia.
Rub olive tree extract

The olive tree extract has oleuropein, which will help kill off the bacteria and reduce inflammation. It will also boost your immune system. What's more, it has been shown to lower blood pressure and blood glucose.

Consult your doctor regularly regarding your chlamydia. He will help you understand the state of the disease and offer solutions, depending on how it is affecting you. Keep in mind that Chlamydia can be passed through all forms of sexual activity, including oral sex. Condoms can be used to prevent transmitting the disease.